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to indication up. Through Yunior and Oscar's friendship, Díaz critically examines
Dominican machismo and shows how it can direct to violence and an inability
to connect with some others. Díaz connects the elimination of masks with each the
intimacy that springs from vulnerability and the concept of identification, concealed
or in any other case. At the close of the novel,
Yunior manages to acquire a healthier variety of masculinity that will allow him to appreciate some others and to realize intimacy.
As Oscar has no father or brothers, Yunior is the only male with
whom he can discuss his passionate yearnings Yunior is his accessibility into masculinity.
Yunior and Oscar are character foils that illustrate two different varieties of masculinity:
if Oscar's nerdiness, fatness and awkwardness make him the antithesis of Dominican hypermasculinity, then Yunior, as a Don Juan and a
state college player who can "bench 340 lbs ." (170), is the
embodiment of that id.
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